Every 15 Minutes
"Dear Mom and Dad, every fifteen minutes someone in the United States dies from an alcohol related traffic collision, and today I died. I never had the chance to tell you......."
Source: http://www.every15minutes.com/aboutus

On April 8, 2019, the Southeast Warren Jr-Sr High school
students had the opportunity to learn a real-life lesson
without the tragedy and risk. In cooperation with local
law enforcement, fire departments and rescue teams, this
lesson was brought home to our students with a mock accident
resulting from driving under the influence.
The innovative program entitled “Every 15 Minutes” is designed to dramatically instill the potentially dangerous consequences of drinking alcohol, among all teenagers. “Every 15 Minutes” refers to the fact that a person is killed in an alcohol-related traffic collision every quarter hour. While primarily targeted toward preventing alcohol-related traffic injuries and fatalities, the program is also designed to challenge students to think about drinking, personal safety, and the responsibility of making mature decisions when lives are involved.

This event was coordinated through: Lucas County Hospital, Mercy One, Warren County Sheriff’s Office, Iowa State Patrol, Tomin Towing, Lacona Fire & Rescue, Milo Fire & Rescue, Judicial District 5B, Southeast Warren and Melcher-Dallas videography team, Warren County Emergency Management, Warren County Attorney’s Office, Pierschbaucher Funeral Home, Keith Smith, and Southeast Warren Schools. .

We would like to thank all of those who chose to take part and we would like to encourage you to have a discussion with your child about the ramifications of under aged drinking.
The E15 Committee