Free and Reduced Meals
Did you know that you can apply for free and reduced meals at any time through-out the school year? If you were not eligible at the start of the year, but have had a change of income from events such as being laid off, the free and reduced program can help out.
Not only does this program help families make ends meet, it is also beneficial for the school. Many grants give preference to schools with a higher percentage of students on the free and reduced lunch program. The higher the percentage, the more funds that can be available for the district.
Free and Reduced Meals - How It Works
Students on the free or reduced lunch program are eligible to receive one lunch and one breakfast at the free or reduced price. Each meal must consist of three items from different food groups to qualify.
BREAKFAST:1/2 cup of a fruit is now required for a meal. Students must take 3 of 4 offered food groups:
- milk
- fruits/vegetables
- grains/bread
- meat/meat alternative
LUNCH: students must take 3 of 5 offered food groups. As required by the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act,**students are required to take at least 1/2 cup of a fruit or vegetable.**The 5 food groups are:
- milk
- fruits
- grains/bread
- vegetables
- meat/meat alternative
If what is on the tray does not qualify as a meal, the items will be charged at a la carte prices - you will NOT receive the free/reduced benefit. Extra servings are not included in the free/reduced program and will be charged at regular prices. These rules are set by the USDA as part of the National School Lunch Program.